

Hi! I’m Afonso, a Computer Science and Engineering graduate from Portugal. 🙂

I’m a huge nerd. Really! I do Mathematics for fun, and I do it mostly unapologetically. I also like to code in my free time, especially when I can bring programming and mathematics together.

Fun fact about me: I love writing about scientific topics. Like, love love. I’ve written more fancy PDFs about random topics I enjoy than I’d ever show the scientific world… so I thought:

Why not make a blog about it?

And here we are. Hopefully, this space will serve as an outlet for my random adventures in the wonderful word of The Internet, be it in random programming or mathematics endeavours. It also makes for a great opportunity to learn more about concepts I’m interested in! After all, you only truly understand something when you can explain it to others. I envision most of my posts starting by introducing some concept I’m trying to get familiar with, and then applying it to something fun.

Feel free to check out my LinkedIn and/or GitHub using the icons on the bottom left of the page if you’re interested in learning more about me. :)

If you’ve read this far, here’s some food for thought: do you also feel like the x-axis of a graph has a warmer personality than the y-axis? (I think I’ll leave this one to the linguists among us.)