Package-level declarations


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data class Circle(val center: Point, val radius: Expression) : Ellipse

Instruction that draws a circle with a given radius and center.

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open class Ellipse(val center: Point, val width: Expression, val height: Expression) : FigureInstruction

Instruction that draws an ellipse with a given width, height, and center.

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open class FigureInstruction(val start: Point) : Instruction

Generic figure instruction. Defines the top-left Point as the start of the figure.

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data class Line(val start: Point, val end: Point) : FigureInstruction

Instruction that draws a line between the start and ends.

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data class Polyline(val start: Point, val points: List<Point>) : FigureInstruction

Instruction that draws a polyline from a given start and a list of points.

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open class Rectangle(val start: Point, val width: Expression, val height: Expression) : FigureInstruction

Instruction that draws a rectangle with a given width and heighting from its top left Point.

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data class Square(val start: Point, val length: Expression) : Rectangle

Instruction that draws a square with a given side lengthing from its top left Point.